Tens of thousands marched in Washignton DC on April 20, 2002 to protest the Bush plan for endless war abroard and Republican agenda at home of aide to the rich and crumbs for the rest of us.
A wondeful mix of people: many young people (very heartening), Arab-Americans, Jewish Americans, African Americans, students, workers. A peaceful, spirited gathering that represented hope and a brighter future than that being offered by the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld group that stole the last election.
Here, some photos of our participation in that great peace march.
The Great Peace March
On the way....
We started out early Saturday morning. Siobhan and Kris in front of our house.
A pit stop in NJ on the way to Washington.
Carol at a rest stop in NJ.
Rest stop NJ.
Kris, in McDonalds, waits patiently for the women (in the bathroom).