Five Hundred Thousand Americans marched on Washington on January 18, 2003 to try and still the hands of the Bush warmongers.
What a great outpouring! Good spirits prevailed despite the bitter cold. After an hour or so of speeches, the throngs marched to the Washington Navy Yard to demand that money spent on arms be used at home to house the homeless, feed the hungry and rebuild America's crumbling education system.
Here, then, some photos from the beginning of the new American peace movement.
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The Great Peace March - January 18, 2003
Lots of folks from all over the country!
We spent the weekend with our dear friends, Ellen and Brian. Above, l to r, Brian, John, Ellen, Tim and Stacey. John and Tim were staying with them too. They drove up from Morgantown, WV.
The sign says it all.
Dressed for the cold. Not so bad. It could
have been worse.
Is that Jackson Browne . No, it's Brian.
Hey Congress (and especially Dems!) ... Are you listening??!!
My hands are actually not that big. It's just two pairs
of gloves with wool mittens on top!
The moustache says "Florida."
Peace is patriotic! Now's the time to speak up.
'nuff said.